We See You, We Hear You

When we think of women writers, certain celebrated names come to mind: Didion, Woolf, Bronte, Alcott, Gabaldon, Angelou. But when we stop and consider all women writers, we need simply look around. They are teachers, housewives, mothers, doctors, lawyers, bus drivers and sea captains. They tend to gardens. They heal the wounded. They are all of us. We are all of them.
For almost three years, women writers have gathered monthly for an extraordinary online gathering called We See You, We Hear You, offered by storysummit.us. Writing in response to simple prompts, hundreds of women have expressed their feelings of love beyond measure, pain to the depth of their souls, and oneness with the power of infinite wisdom.
The voices in these five-minute timed writings ring true for every single one of us who has ever loved and grieved, sheltered or adventured, and searched to find the one sacred space that brings us solace and peace.
This anthology is an amalgamation of their inner fears and desires, sparks and flames, hopes and dreams. Together, they create a voice that helps us all to find a place of value in ourselves and this world—a place where we know we are fully seen, heard, and loved.